The Complete Elliott Wave Writings of A. Hamilton Bolton
This comprehensive volume gives you Bolton’s book The Elliott Wave Principle — A Critical Appraisal, all of Bolton’s annual Elliott Wave Supplements for The Bank Credit Analyst 1953-1966, personal letters, articles and rare photos, plus a biography of Bolton written by A.J. Frost.
- Price: $39
- Format: Book | 418 pages
- By: A.Hamilton Bolton
“Hammy was a genius.”
That has always been A. J. Frost’s concise summary of the intellectual ability of A. Hamilton Bolton. Here for the first time is the complete library of A. Hamilton Bolton’s Elliott wave commentary from 1953 to 1966.
Given the remarkable body of evidence within these pages, one must accept either that Bolton was the luckiest forecaster ever to have lived, or that he understood a profound truth about the markets, and thus of human behavior. After reading this volume, you be the judge but to Robert Prechter, the correct conclusion is inescapable. A. Hamilton Bolton knew what he was talking about, and he knew it because he understood the Wave Principle.
Review A. Hamilton Bolton’s unmatched perspective and decide for yourself.
- The complete text of Bolton’s 1960 book, The Elliott Wave Principle – A Critical Appraisal
- All of Bolton’s annual Elliott Wave Supplements for The Bank Credit Analyst, 1953-1966
- Charles J. Collins’ story, “How I Met R.N. Elliott”
- Personal letters, articles, rare photos and more
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418 pages
Price $39