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A forecast worth your time considers four things: social mood, herding behavior, chart patterns and market psychology. Co-editors Steven Hochberg and Peter Kendall deliver all that and more in one monthly read, for the markets that matter to U.S. investors.
February Issue:
We put the focus on key valuation metrics of the stock market. They haven’t been this stretched since 1929 and 1999! Get our detailed analysis in the February Elliott Wave Financial Forecast now.
Single Issue Price: $50

Renowned analyst and best-selling author Robert Prechter supplies the macro insights subscribers most need to know right now – stocks, bonds, credit, debt, inflation/deflation, and social trends. Read and see what you cannot learn elsewhere.
January Issue:
If you want to know just how extreme stock-market valuations have become, consult the first chart in our new January Elliott Wave Theorist. It can only be described as “out of this world.”
Single Issue Price: $50

Combo Offer
Read current issues of The Elliott Wave Financial Forecast and Elliott Wave Theorist and save 25%.
2-Issue Value: $100
Special Offer: $75
Or, subscribe today for $57 and receive the issues instantly

Our team of 15 analysts show you the trends and patterns in the world’s most traded markets — stock indexes, forex, cryptos, interest rates, metals and energy, and more. It’s the roadmap subscribers use to get ahead of risks and opportunities worldwide.
Many investors know about Dow Theory, which looks for confirming price action between industrial and transportation shares. Pay close attention to that same technical concept as it applies to a major European country as you review our February Global Market Perspective.
Single Issue Price: $100

Conventional research mimics central banks – it’s all about “what has been.” Use a service that anticipates turns and trends in global rates. Global Rates & Money Flows puts veteran research and actionable insights in your toolbox.
The notion that central banks control markets and economies is wrong. In a Special Section, our February Global Rates & Money Flows offers “undeniable evidence.”
Single Issue Price: $100
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