Trader’s Classroom FastTrack

Get Everything You Need to Start Turning
Every Price Chart Into an Opportunity Map

Take the 3-Step Trader FastTrack and Learn to Spot the
Best Opportunities in Any Market on Any Timeframe

Every chart tells a story of the past and gives HUGE clues about what’s going to happen next. You just have to know how to read it.

Start on our 3-Step Trader FastTrack today and in just 60 days, you’ll get closer to becoming that trader who can rapidly scan a batch of charts and say “No…No…No…No…YES!”

The core of our 3-Step Trader FastTrack is Trader’s Classroom: You get 1 short video lesson at a time, 3 times a week.

You can do it!

We put together this 3-Step Trader FastTrack collection to give you all the essentials you need to spot opportunities FAST.


The Foundations

($60 eBook, FREE)

First, the Bloomberg Visual Guide to Elliott Wave Trading. In this bestselling book, two of the most trusted experts in the field of technical analysis use real-life scenarios to show you exactly how you can unleash the Elliott wave method’s power in your trading. This eBook is available in our store for $60, but it’s yours free when you buy the 3-Step Trader FastTrack.


Trading Strategies

($79 Video, FREE)

Second, Trading the Elliott Waves — Winning Strategies for Timing Entry & Exit Moves. In this fast-paced, two-hour video, Robert Prechter — NYT bestselling author and World-Trading Championship winner — reveals his favorite trading strategies. The video is available in our store for $79. It too is included in your 3-Step Trader FastTrack at no additional cost.


Real-Time Opportunities

(60 days of Trader’s Classroom: Save 48%)

Finally, Trader’s Classroom. Throughout your 3-Step Trader FastTrack, leverage the power of team instruction from 6 Elliott wave experts. Some of these guys LIVE for cryptos. For others, it’s stocks. Or forex, bonds or commodities. Three times a week, each lesson reveals a case study – and, often, a market opportunity. The team carefully walks you through the logic. If you have a question, you look for it in the included archives or one of the other subscriber-only resources. If you don’t see the answer, message the team, and they do their best to include your question and their answer in a future episode (anonymously, if you prefer). Two months of this instruction service normally costs $194 — but again, it’s all yours as part of your 3-Step Trader FastTrack.

Normally, these resources cost $333. For a limited time, the 3-Step Trader FastTrack collection gives all of them to you for $99.

Act now — and mark your calendar.

In 60 days, you will look back at today as the day you took your first step toward turning a chart into a plan of action.
