Commodities Analysis & Forecasts

Commodity prices are dominated by crowd psychology,
which is precisely why Elliott wave patterns in commodities can be exceptionally clear, even in times of extreme volatility.
We have two ways to help you benefit from adding Elliott waves to your commodities toolbox.
Choose one:
- Big-picture coverage: Our Commodity Junctures brings you weekly and monthly analyses of 15+ markets, from cocoa and corn to sugar and cattle. Plus, in a live Monthly Review, editor Jim Martens shows you top opportunities on his radar. $99/mo.
- Intensive coverage: Active market participants need our Commodities Pro Service, which covers Softs, Grains and Livestock intraday, between 8AM and 4PM ET. You also get a Pre-Opening Video, Daily & Weekly Wrap-Up Videos, and a Monthly Live Q&A. $267/mo.
Here’s what readers say:
- “I once again will give you a lot of credit for continually emphasizing market structure. You do an outstanding job, and thank you again for the little one-on-one lesson, which hopefully helped other clients. Have a GREAT day!!”
- “Jim, I was wondering if you could take a look at Dec 2024 Corn and Nov 2024 Soybean charts on Thursday. With your teachings in the past year, we had a [great] year!!!! Thank you, Sir!!”
- “Hi Jim, appreciate your excellent analysis and balanced, clear thinking and the way you share your opinions freely, with candor, unafraid if you prove to be wrong. Your explanations in webinars are clear. Cheers.”
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