The Elliott Wave Financial Forecast

The Elliott Wave Financial Forecast

The monthly 10-page Financial Forecast (PDF) is part of the Financial Forecast Service. At the start of every month, Financial Forecast gives you the longer-term view of U.S. stock indexes, bonds, gold, silver and the U.S. dollar as well as investor sentiment, the economy and our ever-popular Cultural Trends section. You can purchase Financial Forecast alone, at a premium, if you do not wish to receive our full Financial Forecast Service.


Our FF analysts keep you ahead of the big market moves.

Steven HochbergChief Market Analyst

Steven Hochberg’s analysis keeps subscribers ahead of the trends in U.S. stock indexes, as well as global indexes, bonds, precious metals, the U.S. dollar and the economy. He co-edits our flagship monthly Elliott Wave Financial Forecast and edits our Monday-Wednesday-Friday Short Term Update. One of the world’s foremost experts in Elliott wave forecasting, Steven is a sought-after speaker interviewed numerous times for his market views by Barron’s, Bloomberg, CNBC, MSNBC, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post and other media outlets. Steven began his career at Merrill Lynch and joined EWI in 1994.

Peter KendallChief Analyst for U.S. Markets and Cultural Trends

Peter Kendall has been a market analyst and editor at Elliott Wave International since 1992. In 1996, he edited Prechter’s Perspective, a series of interviews drawn from Robert Prechter’s media commentary. In addition to charting the course of the financial markets, he places the markets within the larger context of big-picture Elliott wave trends in social mood. From the heights of skyscrapers and hemlines to the depths of disco and punk rock, Peter’s insights show EWI’s subscribers why these trends are part and parcel of patterned and predictable Elliott waves. Together with Steven Hochberg, Peter co-edits our monthly Elliott Wave Financial Forecastand on occasion contributes to our U.S. Short Term Update. In 2009, together with Robert Prechter, he co-authored The Mania Chronicles.

The Elliott Wave Financial Forecast


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