Short Term Update
Three times each week, Short Term Update gives investors around the world incisive analysis and a highly readable view of exactly where we think stocks, bonds, gold, silver and the dollar will head in the next few trading sessions. It also alerts you to major opinion changes that might occur mid-month. The service is part of our Financial Forecast Service and serves as a bridge between monthly forecasts. You can purchase Short Term Update alone, at a premium, if you do not wish to receive our full Financial Forecast Service.
Stay ahead of near-term market opportunities and imminent risk
Short Term Update helps investors anticipate near-term moves and turning points in the U.S. stock indexes, gold, silver, bonds and the U.S. dollar.
Elliott-wave labeled charts show you precisely where we think the markets are heading. Clear, concise text and compelling charts explain key points. Issues post within an hour of the closing bell in New York.
Short Term Update publishes every Monday, Wednesday and Friday that the equities are trading; Editor Steve Hochberg posts extra bulletins when there’s something happening in the markets that you need to know right then.
Most people subscribe to Short Term Update as part of Financial Forecast Service.
Get expert analysis and trading insight from the world’s foremost short-term
Elliott wave forecaster.

Steven Hochberg’s analysis keeps subscribers ahead of the trends in U.S. stock indexes, as well as global indexes, bonds, precious metals, the U.S. dollar and the economy. He co-edits our flagship monthly Elliott Wave Financial Forecast and edits our Monday-Wednesday-Friday Short Term Update. One of the world’s foremost experts in Elliott wave forecasting, Steven is a sought-after speaker interviewed numerous times for his market views by Barron’s, Bloomberg, CNBC, MSNBC, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post and other media outlets. Steven began his career at Merrill Lynch and joined EWI in 1994.
Short Term Update

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