Global Rates & Money Flows

A Necessity for Income Investors
A Benefit to Stock and Currency Investors

Tired of traditional research that rambles on about what has been but misses major sea changes in real time? We all know it feels safer to be wrong with a crowd than right on your own, but is being down 19% when your benchmark is down 20% really a victory?

You could rely on central banks, but if history shows anything, it clearly demonstrates that they don’t lead the markets; they follow them.

There is a better way to stay consistently ahead of the competition.

Get a Real Edge with Global Rates & Money Flows

Global Rates & Money Flows is unlike anything else in your toolbox. It brings you a well-thought-out, often contrarian, perspective and actionable insights. You get a refreshingly unique commentary every market day and a broader money perspective each month.

Murray Gunn

A 30+ Year Veteran

Senior Global Strategist Murray Gunn
Senior Global Strategist Murray Gunn is a veteran of Standard Life, the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority and HSBC. His new service is designed with institutions in mind.

Senior Global Strategist Murray Gunn is a 30+ year veteran of global bond and money markets, notably with Standard Life, the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority and HSBC. While trained in fundamental analysis, Murray discovered early in his career that market forecasting can benefit greatly from a different understanding entirely – one augmented by technical analysis and illuminated by the study of social mood.

Murray’s years in the trenches and unique mix of Elliott wave and socionomic analyses enable him to look at market developments differently from most. He pays attention to the mainstream flow of information, mainly as a useful barometer of what people are thinking. But that’s only the start.

Murray’s unique blend of perspectives enables him to dig deep into why the news is happening as it is now, and what’s likely to come next — including sometimes a dramatic reversal of the current trend.

Contrast this notable example to the biggest collective miss of this century: In 2020, when the Fed and many economists declared that low and negative rates were here to stay “for the foreseeable future,” Murray alerted readers that bond yields were bottoming and that a sustained rise was imminent. You know what’s happened since.

What Murray Covers

Global Rates and Money Flows surveys the global fixed income markets, analyzing charts and trends of sovereign, corporate, municipal and emerging market debt. Murray also examines changes taking place in money and currency markets, including digital currencies. From specific issues to a broad look at the macro economy and central bank machinations, Global Rates and Money Flows has it covered. In addition, throughout the month, on a day-by-day basis, Murray delivers a stream of unique and useful insights that keep you on top of current trends and conditions.

What to Expect

Here is a sample of some of Murray’s past insights and their aftermaths:

A Comprehensive Service

Murray’s goal is to give you an edge in the markets, daily, monthly and quarterly.

Daily Update

Each Monday, Wednesday and Friday, Murray uploads his most important insight of the day to your dedicated portal.  Whether it’s the topic on everyone’s lips or overlooked data regarding something off radar but crucial, Murray provides a rare and useful perspective.

Each Tuesday and Thursday, Murray updates you on the near-term wave outlook for U.S. T-Bond, German Bund and EUR/USD, so you can anticipate and catch short-term market moves.

Monthly Report

Every month, Murray releases a comprehensive, multi-page report full of crucial insights on government, corporate and municipal debt. He also updates key charts and forecasts based on the Elliott wave model, which has been too-little applied among mainstream institutional services.

Many subscribers are known to print the report, make notes and refer to it throughout the month.

Quarterly Calls

Each quarter, Murray hosts a live group call exclusively for subscribers. In the call, he offers a big picture perspective and answers your questions.


The Charts section of the portal includes dozens of visuals, packed with Murray’s notes to help you see what’s playing out among financial markets. You can flip quickly through the gallery to get a complete view of the landscape.


Murray frequently refers to a landmark text in his coverage: The Socionomic Theory of Finance, authored by Robert Prechter. The digital version of the book is available in your dedicated portal.

Global Rates and Money Flows service

Our Guarantee

We guarantee that Global Rates and Money Flows will give you a different perspective with more value and more edge. If you disagree, just contact us and we’ll apply 100% of your unused balance to any service or educational product in our catalog.

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