Elliott Wave International Global Forecast Service


Global Forecast Service

Global Forecast Service gives you clear and actionable analysis and forecasts for the world’s major financial markets. It combines our U.S., Asian-Pacific and European Financial Forecasts together and includes a monthly view of some our key Pro Service markets.

Covering the major stock indexes, precious metals, forex pairs, cryptos (including Bitcoin), interest rates, energy markets, cultural trends, EWAVES, socionomics and more — GMP shows you how the world’s biggest markets, economies and other parts of society fit together in a clear macro view.


Global Forecast Service keeps you ahead of approaching opportunities and threats

Global Forecast Service includes: Global Market Perspective, The Elliott Wave Theorist and your choice of a regional Short Term Update coverage:

  • Three times a week, within your selected regional Short Term Update, you get a clear and concise look at where stocks and currencies are headed in the next few trading sessions.
  • At the start of the month, you get our long-term outlook for more than 40 marketsinglobal equities, economies, currencies, bonds, metals, energy and see how social mood is pushing both financial prices and cultural trends with Global Market Perspective.
  • Mid-month, you get Robert Prechter’s inimitable comments on the markets, inflation/deflation, credit and debt, the economy and financial theory in the Elliott Wave Theorist.

Global Forecast Service covers these markets*:

Stock Indexes

Europe — DAX, FTSE 100 and 250, CAC-40, AEX, SMI, IBEX 35, S&P/MIB, Dow Jones Euro Stoxx 50, RTS and CECE Overall Traded Index
Asia-Pacific — Nikkei 225, Shanghai Composite, SENSEX, Hang Seng, All Ordinaries, Straits Times Index, KOSPI and TAIEX



Interest Rates

U.S. Treasuries, Bund, Bobl, Long Gilt, Euribor, Short Sterling, 10-year Australian Bonds, 10-year JGBs


Cryptos (Including Bitcoin), Gold, Silver, Crude Oil, Natural Gas, EWAVES, socionomics, cultural trends and more.

(* Markets may vary depending on market movement.)

Free Subscriber Extras

When you subscribe, you automatically get access to classic reports, multimedia files, educational tools, and more. It’s all included with the price of your subscription.

Elliott Wave Principle: Key to Market Behavior

Digital delivery via eReader | 248 pages

You will get immediate access to a free digital copy of Elliott Wave Principle: Key to Market Behavior, by Robert Prechter and A.J. Frost. This bestseller is the most useful and comprehensive guide to understanding and applying the Wave Principle. A groundbreaking investment classic, Elliott Wave Principle is hailed by reviewers as the “definitive textbook on the Wave Principle.” ($29 value)

Basics of the Wave Principle

Streaming video | 1 hr 30 mins

This 90-minute online video covers all the basics of the Elliott Wave Principle — from its rules and guidelines to wave personalities, wave structures and Fibonacci relationships. By the time you’re done, you’ll know how to spot the basic formations and know what to expect next.

Discover the Elliott Wave Principle

PDF | 11 pages

This downloadable booklet is the perfect introduction to the Elliott Wave Principle. It spells out the basic Elliott wave patterns and how to identify key trends and turns in the markets.

Start your subscription now & see what we see.

In addition to the longer-term global coverage listed above, you also get short-term coverage for the region of your choice. Select your Global Forecast package by short-term focus now: 

Map of United States


3 times a week you get Short Term Update with near-term analysis of: DJIA, NASDAQ, S&P, U.S. Dollar, Bonds, Gold, Silver, EURUSD

Get Global Forecast Service with U.S. Short Term Updates


Map of Europe


3 times a week you get European Short Term Update with near-term analysis of: DAX FTSE CAC40 SMI AEX Euro Stoxx 50 IBEX 35 S&P MIB FT-ASE Euro

Get Global Forecast Service with European Short Term Updates


Map of Asia-Pacific


3 times a week you get Asian-Pacific Short Term Update with near-term analysis of: ASX, Nikkei, Nifty, Yen, Kospi, Shanghai Composite, Hang Seng, MSCI Singapore, MSCI Taiwan

Get Global Forecast Service with Asian-Pacific Short Term Updates


Order by Phone 
Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm Et

Contact us at 800-336-1618 or 770-536-0309 (Internationally) and you will get a fast, friendly, knowledgeable person to assist you.

Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm ET