Asian-Pacific Financial Forecast
The monthly, 10-page Asian-Pacific Financial Forecast (PDF) is part of the Asian-Pacific Financial Forecast Service. At the start of every month, APFF gives you the longer-term view of the main Asian-Pacific stock indexes as well as insight into the region’s economic and social trends. You can purchase APFF alone, at a premium, if you do not wish to receive the full Asian-Pacific Financial Forecast Service.
Get ahead of trends in the Asian-Pacific markets
At the start of each month, The Asian-Pacific Financial Forecast delivers 10 pages of insightful charts and text. You’ll see the most likely path for key Asian-Pacific stock indexes in the next weeks, months and years, plus how the market’s prices fit in with major events in the region.
APFF gives you in-depth market research and a forward-thinking Elliott wave perspective you simply won’t find anywhere else. When you subscribe, you’ll be privy to upcoming market moves and investment opportunities that the majority of investors won’t see until it’s too late.
APFF covers the Nikkei 225, Shanghai Composite, SENSEX, Hang Seng, All Ordinaries, Straits Times Index, KOSPI and TAIEX.
Most people subscribe to APFF as part of the complete Asian-Pacific Financial Forecast Service.
To invest in Asia, you must know Asia … or at least have someone on your side who does.
Editor Mark Galasiewski understands the Asian-Pacific markets and gives you the analysis you need to keep your finger on the pulse of one of the most exciting regions on the globe.
Mark Galasiewski (gala-SHEV-ski) began his analytical career in 2001, researching fundamentals of listed stocks at an institutional brokerage in Stamford, Connecticut. Since joining EWI, Mark has presented at several investment conferences in Asia and has been interviewed by and featured in major media outlets such as Bloomberg TV Asia, India’s CNBC TV-18 and ET Now, the South China Morning Post, Bloomberg newswire, Dow Jones Asia newswire, Barron’s, Forbes, and Press Trust India. Mark has a degree in East Asian Studies and lived for six years during the 1990s in Japan. He is fluent in Japanese and conversant in Mandarin Chinese. Mark joined EWI in 2005 and has been editor of The Asian-Pacific Financial Forecast since 2008.
Asian-Pacific Financial Forecast
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