Robert Prechter with the 61,000 sheets of paper generated in the editing process for The Socionomic Theory of Finance.
The Socionomic Theory of Finance
Read Chapters 1 & 2
Prechter’s Socionomic Theory of Finance will open a whole new world to you. It is exciting, intellectually fulfilling, fun and practical. Many readers say it changed their lives.
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“Bold, ambitious, counter-intuitive, disquieting and original.”
Want to learn to read the news in a new, more useful way?
How about predicting the news?
You’ve seen this a thousand times: The news is good (or bad), but the markets do the opposite of what they “should” be doing, defying all logic.
You’re about to learn why that is.
In a phrase, social mood. Waves of social mood affect every aspect of your life. Besides the stock market, they also regulate the tone of politics, popular entertainment, the economy and more.
Once you understand these trends, you can use them to your advantage. Society at large can’t do it, but an individual can.
Prechter’s Socionomic Theory of Finance will open a whole new world to you. It is exciting, intellectually fulfilling, fun and practical. Many readers say it changed their lives.
Yes, you will learn to read the news in a new, far more useful way. You may even start predicting the news.
What readers say

Robert R. Prechter’s name is familiar to market observers the world over. Since founding EWI in 1979, Prechter has focused on applying and enhancing the Wave Principle, R.N. Elliott’s fractal model of financial pricing. Prechter shares his market insights in The Elliott Wave Theorist, one of the longest-running financial publications in existence today. Prechter has developed a theory of social causality called socionomics, whose main hypothesis is endogenously regulated waves of social mood prompt social actions. In other words, events don’t shape moods; moods shape events. Prechter has authored and edited several academic papers. He has written 18 books on finance and socionomics, including a New York Times bestseller.