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Open House: 70+ Markets, 7 Days, 100s of Insights

We’ve opened the doors to our entire line of trader-focused Pro Services.

When you join, you’ll get 7 days of access to every intraday update, every video and insight we post.


Metals Pro Service: 3-Day Pass

Joining is easy! All you need is a Club EWI Membership. Club EWI is the launchpad for your Elliott wave journey. With over half a million traders and investors beginning their journey here, Club EWI is by far the world’s most popular starting point for people who want to use Elliott.

Global Rates & Money Flows

Senior Global Strategist Murray Gunn walks you through the most important developments in rates and money. Plus, get your questions answered from Murray!

FFS Test Drive

Get a low-cost, 7-day test drive of our most popular service, the Financial Forecast Service, and discover what’s next for U.S. markets.


Live Webinar: Certified Elliott Wave Analyst (CEWA) Q&A

Get Your Elliott Wave Questions Answered! When you sign up for CEWA Exam I, II or III, you get free access to a detailed prep course to help you pass each exam. The prep course includes a live group Q&A session with a Certified Elliott Wave instructor. The instructor will help answer any questions you […]

EWI Publication Day

Publication Day is our biggest event of the month! It’s the culmination of hundreds of hours of expert research, analysis, data & forecasts – succinctly served up to subscribers.

Each of these publications includes wave-related insights, analysis and unfolding trends to help you stay a step ahead in the markets you follow.

Live Webinar: The Top Commodities to Watch

In a live Monthly Review, Commodity Junctures editor, Jim Martens shows you the top opportunities and dangers on his radar.   Bring your questions! At the end of the review, Jim opens the floor to answer your questions.