Pioneering Studies in Socionomics
This book completely turns around the conventional direction of causality between financial markets and social moods and behaviors. Peruse more than 20 years of research into this new model of thought, the science of socionomics.
- Price: $39
- Format: Book | 486 pages
- By: Robert Prechter
A new understanding of how society works
What drives our social mood? Our actions? Our motivations? The answers to these questions can be found in the new science of socionomics.
Pioneering Studies in Socionomics is the follow-up to Prechter’s groundbreaking introductory text on socionomics, The Wave Principle of Human Social Behavior. It’s comprised of a rich collection of insightful studies and essays representing over 20 years worth of research into this new model of thought.
Socionomic theory evolved from the Wave Principle, a model of financial pricing and catalog of price patterns identified by Ralph Nelson Elliott in the 1930s. Robert Prechter proposes that our social lives are patterned in much the same way as the financial markets. Prechter explains that people in groups share a collective disposition or mood that motivates social, political, economic and financial action.
Come along as the proto-socionomists map their way through uncharted seas to introduce, test and practice their newly discovered craft.
Table of Contents:
- Foreword: A Socionomic Manifesto
- Popular Culture
- Social Causality
- Sports
- Corporations, Legislation and Social Conflict
- Toward a Revolution in Macroeconomics
- Science and the Wave Principle
- Controversy and Validation
- Socionomics and Quantum Physics
- Miscellaneous Articles, Letters, Speeches and Observations
- Appendix: Toward Quantifying Sociometers Other Than the Stock Market
Robert R. Prechter’s name is familiar to market observers the world over. Since founding EWI in 1979, Prechter has focused on applying and enhancing the Wave Principle, R.N. Elliott’s fractal model of financial pricing. Prechter shares his market insights in The Elliott Wave Theorist, one of the longest-running financial publications in existence today. Prechter has developed a theory of social causality called socionomics, whose main hypothesis is endogenously regulated waves of social mood prompt social actions. In other words, events don’t shape moods; moods shape events. Prechter has authored and edited several academic papers. He has written 18 books on finance and socionomics, including a New York Times bestseller.
Pioneering Studies in Socionomics
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