Your Top 5 Alternatives to Banks
In light of recent bank failures and concerns about the vulnerability of the global banking system, many people are (or, in our researched opinion, should be) looking for alternatives to traditional banks.
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Actionable Info for a Changed World
In light of recent bank failures and concerns about the vulnerability of the global banking system, many people are (or, in our researched opinion, should be) looking for alternatives to traditional banks.
Fortunately, several options do offer safe havens for your money. In this article, we’ll explore five of the best, as excerpted from Robert Prechter’s book, Conquer the Crash.
Your traditional bank may still be the most convenient option for handling everyday expenses. But moving your savings into alternative options can help protect the bulk of your liquid wealth in the event of a financial crisis – and in some of the cases, earn you a nice, healthier-than-banks return along the way.

Robert R. Prechter’s name is familiar to market observers the world over. Since founding EWI in 1979, Prechter has focused on applying and enhancing the Wave Principle, R.N. Elliott’s fractal model of financial pricing. Prechter shares his market insights in The Elliott Wave Theorist, one of the longest-running financial publications in existence today. Prechter has developed a theory of social causality called socionomics, whose main hypothesis is endogenously regulated waves of social mood prompt social actions. In other words, events don’t shape moods; moods shape events. Prechter has authored and edited several academic papers. He has written 18 books on finance and socionomics, including a New York Times bestseller.
All the information in this special report has been excerpted and adapted from Robert Prechter’s 2021 edition of his NYT Best Seller Conquer the Crash. For more information on topics like Finding the Safest Banks in the U.S. and Globally, Alternatives to Banks, How to Make Money in a Crash, The Safest Places in the World to Store Gold, Should You Get a Second Passport and many other important areas, get Last Chance to Conquer the Crash. The book is available at online bookstores and Elliott Wave International. You can get the book free with a subscription.