Category: Market Trek
“A Great Golden Age” … or The Greatest “Hindcasting” of All Time?
If you project the current financial market and economy into the future, is that a forecast? Or, have you simply cut & pasted yesterday into tomorrow? The answer is obvious, yet if you’re an investor, that answer really matters. Put it bluntly, now is not the time to assume that good times will keep going.…
What Happens When NOBODY on Wall Street Expects a Bad 2025?
It’s true. The big Wall Street firms are ALL forecasting big stock market gains this year. So … what happens next? As usual, the charts tell the story: forward P/E ratios, small trader Put/Call premiums, and pension fund allocation. See them for yourself in this revealing video, complete with commentary from EWI’s Brian Whitmer.
Risky Assets Have Seen the Most Rapid Increases: How Bad Is It?
A fast decline can be costly when you’re bullish on stocks. But if you’re bullish on borrowed money, rapid losses can be catastrophic. EWI’s Brian Whitmer explains why investors have loaded up on leverage at the worst possible time.
When Does the “Boom & Bust” Cycle Begin?
It begins when they say “It’s Over,” which is exactly what they’re saying right now. EWI’s Brian Whitmer shows you the charts that tell the story. See it all for yourself in seconds.
U.S. Stocks = 2x GDP? What the Most Expensive Stock Market in History Looks Like
The U.S. stock market today is literally double the value of the U.S. gross domestic product. With commentary from EWI’s Brian Whitmer, this is a chart you want to see for yourself (you won’t see it elsewhere…).
It’s Been 55 Years Since Emerging Markets Were This Cheap: See the Setup for Yourself
A huge change-in-trend is just ahead for emerging markets: specifically for gold, commodities and the economies of emerging market countries. We’re early in the transition away from the “digital era” and into the “materials era.” Discover why now is the time to act.
Inverted Yield Curve: Is A Return to “Normal” Good for the Economy?
The closely-watched yield curve has been inverted for a record two-plus years. Now it’s about to return to normal, which is good … right? Well, not so fast: Our answer to the “normal is good” question comes from the chart you need to see right now, with analyst Brian Whitmer’s insights.
Market Turmoil: Why Is Liquidity Drying Up?
EWI’s Brian Whitmer answers the question in the headline, after he de-bunks the media’s “explanations” for recent market turmoil. Headlines offer chatter about “yen carry trade,” “Buffett’s Cash Hoard,” and the “Sahm Rule” – but as always, these notions are symptoms and not causes of vanishing liquidity. See the charts and listen to Brian’s singular…
What Happened to All the Stock Market Short Sellers?
Short selling made headlines a few years ago during the GameStop saga. But despite a common misconception, short selling is not “bad” – in fact, it’s meant to serve an important function in a healthy stock market. So, what does it mean when short selling virtually disappears? We’ve seen it before… Here’s Market Trek host…
Stocks vs. Commodities and “Hard Assets”: What 124 Years of History Show You (Video)
There are financial assets (think stocks) and there are “hard assets” like commodities. Their prices spiked post-pandemic, then came back down to earth – but recently, commodities like gold, copper and coffee all hit record highs. Watch Market Trek host Brian Whitmer give you an Elliott wave look at hard assets going back to 1900…