Investors are feeling “uncertain.” How about you?

“It is difficult to make predictions, especially about the future.”

We here at Elliott Wave International agree more with this quote by the all-wise Yogi Berra. Difficult? Yes. Impossible? No. You just need a method that enables you to see patterns in the markets so you can predict where prices will go next. And we do it here every day. See for yourself.

Just a month ago, investors were ecstatic, and then this happened. On September 29, 2023, the Financial Forecast Service showed this chart and told subscribers,

“On September 1, the Risk Appetite Index [for stocks] hit 1.0, the highest possible reading.”

In other words, investors couldn’t have been hungrier for risk. That bullish extreme in investor sentiment was actually a bearish sign that the mainstream had missed. Our Financial Forecast Service analysts saw it in time to warn our subscribers, and between September 1 and now, the S&P has fallen more than 300 points, or 7%.

Short- sellers did well. The “buy and hold” crowd, well, they’re licking their wounds.

Now, do we always get it right? Of course not. If somebody tells you they do, run. But is the Elliott wave method better than the mainstream’s “news drives the market’s” approach? Absolutely. And you could try it for yourself.

So here’s the deal — and it is a deal: for only $27 starting right now, you get one week’s access to three market forecasting publications that make up our flagship Financial Forecast Service. You’ll read our three-times -a-week Short Term Update. Get the monthly intermediate picture with our Elliott Wave Financial Forecast. Then, see the big picture with our legendary Elliott Wave Theorist.

These publications are written by three of the most famous Elliotticians in history: Robert Prechter and his long-time colleagues, Stephen Hochberg and Peter Kendall. Together, they give you our clear, unambiguous forecasts of the Dow Jones Industrial Average, S&P 500, NASDAQ, gold, silver, bonds, the dollar, the U.S. economy and more.

We’re also pitching in three free resources to help you get started fast. You can peruse them at your own leisure. All told, it’s nearly $300 worth of material, and you can get yours practically for a song. This offer expires on October 19, so act now before it’s too late.

Well, I hope you have fun riding those waves out there.

Ask your friends: “What’s next for the markets?”

You’ll hear a lot of “I just don’t know. The news is such a mixed bag today!

True. But then, when is the news NOT a mixed bag? Every day, you can find stories to confirm your bullish or bearish bias.

That’s why here at EWI, we forecast the markets based on investor psychology, not the news.

We’d love to show you what we mean by that. Our Financial Forecast Service Test Drive is a great place to start.