Elevate Your Elliott Wave Analysis

RULES are great. They tell you what you can’t do. The Elliott Wave Principle has three.

In a five-wave impulse (shown in the chart below):

  • Wave 2 can never retrace more than 100% of wave 1
  • Wave 3 can never be the shortest of waves 1, 3 and 5
  • Wave 4 can never end in the price territory of wave 1

But GUIDELINES tell you what’s PROBABLE. And that’s what you want to know!

For instance, the guideline of alternation states that if wave two of an impulse is a sharp retracement, expect wave four to be a sideways correction, and vice versa. The chart below illustrates.

Sharp corrections are almost always zigzags (single or double). Sideways corrections include flats, triangles and combinations.

Not quite ready for the quiz? We have a handy resource that can help — and it’s free for a limited time:

How to Use Elliott’s Rules and Guidelines to Label Charts Correctly

In this on-demand course, EWI veteran analyst Jim Martens gives you practical tools and tips to help you improve your wave application. It’s a powerful resource for newbies and experienced wavers alike.

Elevate YOUR Elliott!