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This Trend Will Likely Soon Rock the U.S. Financial System

Inflation is a big buzzword these days, yet we see a big change ahead. Learn why the financial system is at major risk.

Catching the Eurodollar Low … and the Rally to the Four-month High that Followed

Recently the eurodollar saw a major change in trend, a rally, and a correction – now see for yourself the chart, analysis and forecast that kept subscribers ahead of the volatile action.

Secrets of Flat Corrections: Live Elliott Wave Trading with EWAVES

Watch as Elliott Prechter showcases live Elliott wave trading with the EWAVES analysis engine, demonstrating some previously unpublished research on flat corrections.

China’s Aggression Echoes Russia’s

China’s Aggression Echoes Russia’s

Russia’s RTS$ and China’s Shanghai Composite shed light on similarities in both county’s levels of aggression.

T-Bonds: What Elliott Waves Said at Key Junctures

Our Interest Rates Pro Services team tracks Elliott wave patterns across U.S. & global treasuries of various maturities. And lately, those patterns have been exceptionally clear. See the recent bullish and bearish U.S. Treasury forecasts we showed subscribers.

“This chart is stunning in its implications.”

“Junk” bonds are issued by companies with the weakest financial structures. Yet many investors will take on default risk to get a higher yield. Learn why this chart of the junk bond yield minus the 3-month U.S. T-bill yield “is stunning in its implications.”

Crypto Traders: See How Elliott Waves Help You Cut Through Ambiguity (AIOZ)

If you’ve never heard of cryptocurrency AIOZ (Aioz Network), don’t fret: With over 20,000 cryptos out there (and counting), it’s easy to miss a few. And that’s exactly the reason our Crypto Junctures service exists: To highlight for you new opportunities you might otherwise miss. Here’s one of our Crypto Junctures editors, Jason Soni, explaining what to make of the current setup in AIOZ.

Want to Learn How to “Read” a Price Chart? Start Here.

Investors who study classic chart patterns may be interested in knowing that the Wave Principle subsumes all valid patterns. Here are a couple of examples.

Our Forecast Caught the Eurodollar Low & Rally to a 4-Month High that Followed

On June 26, the euro kicked off a powerful rally that propelled it to 4-month highs versus the U.S. dollar. See what we showed subscribers ahead of that move.

French CAC 40: How You Can Use Fibonacci .618 Ratio to Forecast Market Turns

French CAC 40: How You Can Use Fibonacci .618 Ratio to Forecast Market Turns

The "Golden Ratio" is a well-documented proportion found throughout nature: in the shape of plants, human bodies, and even in the shape of galaxies. Well, humans are part of nature, and humans invented the stock market — so, is it any wonder that the same Golden Mean is also found in stock prices? Watch Global Market Perspective contributor Murray Gunn explain how to put this knowledge to good use.

How to Tell What Central Banks Will Do with Interest Rates (Video)

Many investors like to speculate about future central bank interest rate decisions. These investors often base their interest rates guesses on their views about the economy or inflation. Yet, here’s a better way to determine what central banks will do.

AMZN Tops $200: See Why There’s More to the Rally Than Meets the Eye

On July 9, Amazon stock soared above the brain-buzzing $200-a-share mark – a new all-time high. Mainstream media coverage of the retail giant is a wild west of bullish buying and Bezos’ selling. Well… to paraphrase Dr. Seuss, from there to here, and here to there, Elliott wave opportunity is everywhere.

Why We Like Waves 2, 4 and B – And You Should, Too (Video)

Yes, Elliott waves help you identify market opportunities. But before that opportunity starts, there is something our Chief Commodity Analyst and trading instructor, Jim Martens, calls “setup waves.” Watch him explain what they are – and then go see if you can spot them in your own charts!

See How Trends in Emerging Markets and Wars Are Related

When you plot the starting points of today’s biggest conflicts, specifically the Russia-Ukraine war and Israel’s war against Hamas, on a chart of iShares MSCI Emerging Markets ETF, an interesting pattern emerges. Here’s Global Market Perspective contributor Mark Galasiewski to explain the surprising connection.

What Happened to All the Stock Market Short Sellers?

Short selling made headlines a few years ago during the GameStop saga. But despite a common misconception, short selling is not “bad” – in fact, it’s meant to serve an important function in a healthy stock market. So, what does it mean when short selling virtually disappears? We’ve seen it before… Here’s Market Trek host Brian Whitmer to explain more.

The Before & After Psychology of “Peak Equity Allocation”

The Before & After Psychology of “Peak Equity Allocation”

You have to admire the conviction of U.S. investors. They have acted on what they believe … specifically, with their financial assets. U.S. investors are certain the bull market in stocks will continue. Indeed, their certainty is measurable in the financial assets allocated to stocks.

Market Insights You Can See & Read Only in the July Global Market Perspective

Every issue of Global Market Perspective is packed with forecasts and analysis that you won’t find elsewhere. Here are a couple of eye-opening insights from the new, July 2024 issue.

The #1 Struggle Most Traders Experience…

Parallax Founder Imre Gams discusses the number one struggle most traders experience and how the Masterclass helps overcome this challenge.

Understand Why European Stocks Are “Transitioning”

Understand Why European Stocks Are “Transitioning”

“Transitioning” to what, you ask? Well, there’s lots to talk about in Europe right now – from the financial markets to the direction of the EU economies to splintering politics. Here’s our monthly Global Market Perspective contributor, Brian Whitmer, with a few highlights from the new, July issue.

Food Price Rise Continues. Great! Now Tell Us Why It Started in the First Place

It’s not often you get a majority consensus among people these days but one thing they do agree on is the rising cost of food prices. “80% of Americans” say grocery bills are higher today than before the pandemic. We have a chart from 2020 that sheds light on why – and it isn’t about inflation.

Silver Above $30: What to Make of This Non-Stop Rally

In May, silver prices hit their highest level in 11 years, yet remain significantly below all-time high territory. Here’s a perspective on the price history of silver.

June 17-21: Superman Flies Again, Nvidia Takes the Lead, Fisker Goes Bankrupt

The upcoming Superman Legacy movie began filming in Cleveland, Ohio this week. Nvidia has been dominating financial news headlines. And electric vehicle startup Fisker filed for bankruptcy.

FX, Stocks, Commodities, Cryptos… Learn How to Know When This Key Price Pattern is Over (Video)

“12345-ABC.” That’s a basic Elliott wave pattern in a nutshell. That “12345” is a so-called impulse, and it’s a key price pattern to know, because impulses point in the direction of the larger trend. In this clip from a recent Trader’s Classroom lesson, host Favio Poci shows you step-by-step how to spot an impulse and know when it’s likely over. (Market in focus: EUR/CHF, but you can apply this to any liquid market.)

See How Gold’s Elliott Wave Pattern Foretold Big Rally (Video)

Ironically, rallies in financial markets tend to start when sentiment is bearish. Such was the case with gold when the price of the precious metal hit a low back in October. Here’s what happened after our forecasts went against the prevailing sentiment.

Natural Gas Sizzles to 5-Month Highs AND the Experts Have Hot Flashes

When natural gas prices boiled to their highest level in 5 months on June 11, mainstream market “experts” cited one reason: A recent “heat dome” of extreme temperatures. But Elliott wave analysis foresaw the energy’s surge long before the egg-frying forecasts.

June 10-14: Musk’s Big Pay Day, Home Hunting Woes, No Surprise with the FED

Elon Musk is set to receive a big payday. | Looking to purchase a home? The 5% downpayment has nearly doubled going from 7,000 to 13,000 since 2013. | The Fed kept its key interest rate unchanged and announced that only one cut is expected by the end of the year.

Sensex and Nifty 50: Don’t Get Too “Disappointed” (Video)

Mainstream analysts are blaming the recent selloffs in Indian stocks on the surprising result of India’s recent election. While many Indian investors feel disappointed, watch as our Global Market Perspective contributor Mark Galasiewski explain how this was a classic example of “buy the rumor, sell the news.”

Stocks vs. Commodities and “Hard Assets”: What 124 Years of History Show You (Video)

There are financial assets (think stocks) and there are “hard assets” like commodities. Their prices spiked post-pandemic, then came back down to earth – but recently, commodities like gold, copper and coffee all hit record highs. Watch Market Trek host Brian Whitmer give you an Elliott wave look at hard assets going back to 1900 as he dissects long-term trends.

While Everyone Is Watching the Fed, We're Watching This

While Everyone Is Watching the Fed, We’re Watching This

Another "Fed week" is upon us, with the latest decision on interest rates due soon. But there are less obvious – and more important, in our experience – economic indicators to look at than the Fed’s maneuvering. Here’s one…

Why You Should Monitor Equity Mutual Fund Cash Levels (Video)

The last bear market which shaved more than 50% from the S&P 500 index occurred between 2007 and 2009. In the months prior to the start of that downturn, this sentiment measure was flashing a warning. Learn how that’s relevant to the current stock market.