How to Capitalize on Volatile Markets online course

Trader’s Classroom Essential Series

How to Capitalize on Volatile Markets

These short, practical lessons show you how to spot specific, highly tradable chart setups in fast-moving markets.

$196 $97

We originally delivered these 6 lessons to our Trader’s Classroom students in real time, as global markets collapsed. Now you get these 75 minutes of insights as our Trader’s Classroom Essential Series.

The chart setups you’ll see in these 6 lessons are particularly useful in highly volatile markets, when moves that normally take days get to their targets in minutes.

You’ll learn an objective, calm approach so you can take advantage of the big swings — without getting in trouble with your emotions.

You can use these setups on any time frame, in any market — and in either direction.

Yes, these setups are occurring right now, in this market environment.

How to Watch the 6 Videos Now

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“How to Capitalize on Volatile Markets Series”


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$196 $97

6 “How to Capitalize on Volatile Markets Series” Videos
30 days of Trader’s Classroom, delivering real-time setups and strategies 3 times a week

How to Capitalize on Volatility
Without Emotion

When you look at the markets today, it’s very hard to stay unemotional.

Even the volatility itself is volatile. You’ll have several days of relative calm, and then wham — the moves are suddenly huge, and it’s time to jump in!

But you have to be ready.

These 6 videos teach you chart setups that are particularly well-suited to volatile markets.

After watching, you’ll gain the skills you need to manage your risk, set objective targets, and know when to get out.

So you can develop an unemotional, objective, calm, reasonable, sleep-at-night volatility plan.

After our 40 years in the business, we know this:

Fear and hope go away when you know exactly what chart setups to look for.

When you know precisely how long you should stay aboard a move, and when to calmly jump out.

When you have objectively set risk levels based on price patterns — so if you’re wrong, you know it fast, with minimal losses.

And then, when your risk is tight, your target is clear and the pattern is high-confidence, only then…

You strike.

These 6 videos will help you develop your
objective, calm, sleep-at-night volatility plan

The 6 videos you’re about to watch were recorded by 4 of our veteran market analysts with 120 years of combined experience between them. They’ve seen markets like these. A lot.

We are a big team with deep experience from pro desks across the financial industry.

Analysts, traders, money and risk managers — and like many of our customers, professionals and individuals, we live and breathe the markets every day.

Just like you.

Your volatility plan starts here

Your plan starts by learning to recognize specific, high-confidence technical setups in price charts.

Reading price charts in this fashion is like reading a map. The market is always offering you an opportunity. It always shows you “where to go.”

You simply need to know what that opportunity looks like on a chart.

So you can flip through a series of price charts and say “No. No. No. No. No.”


We’re about to show you how to do that.

Here’s what you’ll learn

We hand-picked 6 recent video lessons from our team of experts.

Each video teaches you to spot specific, highly tradable chart setups in any market, on any time frame.

You can use them especially in volatile markets, when moves that normally take days let you hit your price targets in minutes.

Just 6 lessons. Your total watch time is 75 minutes.

As Jeffrey Kennedy, one of the instructors in the videos you’re about to watch, puts it,

“Technical analysis is a language. The more you understand this language, the more you’ll understand what the market is trying to tell you.”

Simple, effective learning.
In just 75 minutes.

These 6 Trader’s Classroom video lessons teach you:

  • How to understand the difference between trending moves vs. countertrending moves
  • How trendlines help you trends and trend reversals
  • How to spot getting frustrated by gaps and use them to your advantage instead
  • How to use the “closing-the-gap” trade setup
  • How to use bar chart setups like “double failure swing high or low”
  • How to spot setups like the “wave of equal weight” and “3 waves within parallel lines”
  • How volatility trends correlate to general price trends

And many more technical chart setups.

Real markets: SQ, AAPL, XOM, etc.

You’ll watch your instructor Jeffrey Kennedy and his 3 colleagues use real markets:

  • Exxon Mobile (XOM)
  • Fastly (FSLY)
  • Livongo Health (LVGO)
  • Universal Display (OLED)
  • Skyworks Solutions (SWKS)
  • Twilio (TWLO)
  • Square (SQ)
  • Trade Desk (TTD)
  • Wynn Resorts (WYNN)
  • Apple (AAPL)
  • Facebook (FB)
  • Equinix (EQIX)
  • Lockheed Martin (LMT)
  • Gold
  • S&P 500 E-Minis
  • Crude oil
  • T-Bonds 30 Yr.

This is real. This is not “theory.”

You will learn how to spot reliable, tradable setups suited for volatility, using real market charts.

In just 75 minutes.

Got 75 minutes?
Then let’s begin.

Buy 6 “How to Capitalize on Market Volatility” Videos




Want ongoing setups?

Best Deal

Get the 6 volatility videos FREE

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If you want to get ongoing examples of high-confidence setups in the markets, and lessons from our analytical team on them, take advantage of our Best Deals offer.

It brings you 12+ videos lessons over the course of the next month, using current high-confidence setups from the markets.

We call this service “Traders Classroom.”

Whichever choice you make, we guarantee this:

Watch the 6 lessons on volatility — or, watch the 12+ trading lessons over the next 30 days.

Either way, you’ll come away with a better, more consistent understanding of the markets.

That’s bound to add to your consistency as a trader.

After all, you don’t want to just keep watching as the markets are making these massive waves. Right?

$196 $97