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Last Chance to Conquer the Crash

The new, revised edition of Robert Prechter’s NYT and WSJ bestseller proposes that another financial crisis is imminent. As with other crises predicted by earlier versions, those who are properly positioned will not just survive but prosper. Read this book before it’s too late.

Last Chance to Conquer the Crash sells for $99, but with this special offer, you get it for only $49! We’ll ship you a hardback copy — and give you instant access to the electronic version so you can get started right away.

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Hardback Book

Get the Book Free with Prechter’s Elliott Wave Theorist

Bob Prechter has been publishing the Theorist continuously, every month, since 1979. Stocks, bonds, credit, debt, inflation/deflation, social trends… the topics you’ll see in the Theorist vary. Each month, Bob picks the subject areas subscribers most need to read about right then.

That is what makes each new issue a must-read for every investor, trader and economy-watcher.

Save 10% on this famous publication when you lock in 3 months for only $99 — and get Last Chance to Conquer the Crash FREE.

Special Note: When you subscribe, you’ll get instant access to the brand-new January 2024 special video issue of the Theorist. In it, Bob lays out exactly where Elliott waves show we are in the markets and what’s likely next. Don’t miss it!

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