Over the Next 19 Days, You’ll Have Forecasts for Every Major Market in the World.
Global Market Perspective is one of the most established investor research reports in the world. Since 1990, each monthly issue as prepared institutional and individual investors for the hotspots and danger zones around the world.
Starting April 15th, and every two days, you’ll receive a section of the latest issue of Global Market Perspective. Over 19 days, you’ll receive the entire issue, including global stocks, interest rates, forex, cryptos, gold & sliver, crude oil, and much, much more.
We don’t share this analysis very often. And when we do, it’s the most popular event of the year. Don’t miss it!
EWI’s team of 22 analysts intensively analyze their respective markets all day, helping subscribers ride short term opportunities.
But, at the end of each month, 15 of these experts they zoom out and update their big picture forecast for their key markets. That’s what you’ll get throughout this event. Here’s who you’ll hear from…
More About Steven Hochberg and Peter Kendall
More About Elliott Prechter
Elliott’s fascination with technology led him to attend MIT in 2002 and to join Microsoft in 2006. His interest in financial markets began during the 2008 crash, and in 2011 he joined a startup algorithmic hedge fund in Las Vegas. In 2013, he joined Elliott Wave International’s EWAVES department, which develops software to automate Elliott wave analysis. The department was spun off into a separate company, Qualitative Analytics. The firm’s technology powers EWAVES Live, an institutional service that provides real-time Elliott wave analysis and trading-setup scanning tools on over 10,000 markets.
More About Dave Allman
Dave Allman graduated from the University of Maryland at the age of 19 with a degree in mathematics,became addicted to the markets and what makes them tick in 1978, and has worked closely with Bob Prechter since 1983. He has lectured around the globe on the application of the Wave Principle and investor psychology and has taught advanced classes on Elliott wave analysis to hundreds of investors. Today, Dave is active behind the scenes on a variety of projects at Elliott Wave International and the Socionomics Institute. Since October 1990, Dave has reviewed and edited all the commentary and charts in Global Market Perspective.
More About Michael Madden
Michael Madden, CMT, CFTe, CEWA, is founder of ElliottWaveIreland and the co-head of the Market Technicians Association (Irish Chapter). He joined EWI’s Pro Services team in 2014, initially covering interest rates; he now provides forecasts and analysis for more than 20 currency and cryptocurrency markets in EWI’s Currency Pro Service and is a regular contributor to the monthly Global Market Perspective.
More About Peter Kendall
Peter Kendall has been a market analyst and editor at Elliott Wave International since 1992. In 1996, he edited Prechter’s Perspective, a series of interviews drawn from Robert Prechter’s media commentary. In addition to charting the course of the financial markets, he places the markets within the larger context of big-picture Elliott wave trends in social mood. From the heights of skyscrapers and hemlines to the depths of disco and punk rock, Peter’s insights show EWI’s subscribers why these trends are part and parcel of patterned and predictable Elliott waves. Together with Steven Hochberg, Peter co-edits our monthly Elliott Wave Financial Forecastand on occasion contributes to our U.S. Short Term Update. In 2009, together with Robert Prechter, he co-authored The Mania Chronicles.
More About Steven Hochberg
Steven Hochberg’s analysis keeps subscribers ahead of the trends in U.S. stock indexes, as well as global indexes, bonds, precious metals, the U.S. dollar and the economy. He co-edits our flagship monthly Elliott Wave Financial Forecast and edits our Monday-Wednesday-Friday Short Term Update. One of the world’s foremost experts in Elliott wave forecasting, Steven is a sought-after speaker interviewed numerous times for his market views by Barron’s, Bloomberg, CNBC, MSNBC, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post and other media outlets. Steven began his career at Merrill Lynch and joined EWI in 1994.
More About Murray Gunn
Murray Gunn, MSTA, CFTe, CEWA, is Head of Global Research at Elliott Wave International. He worked as a fund manager in global bonds, currencies and stocks, including long posts at Standard Life Investments and the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority. Prior to joining EWI, he was Head of Technical Analysis at HSBC Bank. Murray is the author of the 2009 book Trading Regime Analysis and a contributor to Socionomic Studies of Society and Culture (Socionomics Institute Press, 2017). Murray is at the helm of EWI’s Global Rates & Money Flows and The European Short Term Update, while also providing commentary for Global Market Perspective.
More About Mark Galasiewski
Mark Galasiewski (gala-SHEV-ski) began his analytical career in 2001, researching fundamentals of listed stocks at an institutional brokerage in Stamford, Connecticut. Since joining EWI, Mark has presented at several investment conferences in Asia and has been interviewed by and featured in major media outlets such as Bloomberg TV Asia, India’s CNBC TV-18 and ET Now, the South China Morning Post, Bloomberg newswire, Dow Jones Asia newswire, Barron’s, Forbes, and Press Trust India. Mark has a degree in East Asian Studies and lived for six years during the 1990s in Japan. He is fluent in Japanese and conversant in Mandarin Chinese. Mark joined EWI in 2005 and has been editor of The Asian-Pacific Financial Forecast since 2008.
More About Ivelin “Ivo” Zhelev
Ivelin “Ivo” Zhelev, CEWA, has been involved in the financial markets since 2011. He co-founded and managed a company providing weekly wave outlooks for the major forex pairs and major stock indexes, and was a contributor to two books published by Academic Publishing House “Tsenov” – Svishtov, “Capital Optimization” and “Debt Management.” He currently provides analysis and forecasts for global interest rates in EWI’s Pro Services.
More About Brian Whitmer
Brian Whitmer was a civil engineer in another life, so he’s got a good sense of how things are constructed. Applying that skill set, he deconstructs today’s sundry financial vehicles, like CDOs, meme stocks, subprime mortgages, SPACs, et al, and contextualizes them for his subscribers in the monthly European Financial Forecast and the European stock section of Global Market Perspective. He’s also got a bit of wanderlust and is currently traveling around the world for a first-hand, boots-on-the-ground feel for what’s really going on.
More About Jason Soni
Jason Soni, CEWA, began his journey with financial markets in 1999 as a private investor. He became a proponent of technical analysis in 2005 and quickly adopted the Wave Principle in 2006. Prior to joining EWI in 2020, Jason spent 10 years guiding subscribers with daily wave analysis covering markets such as stocks, forex and commodities. Today, Jason provides commentary for more than 20 currency and cryptocurrency markets in EWI’s Pro Services, and is a regular contributor to Crypto Trader’s Classroom.
More About Robert R. Prechter
Robert R. Prechter’s name is familiar to market observers the world over. Since founding EWI in 1979, Prechter has focused on applying and enhancing the Wave Principle, R.N. Elliott’s fractal model of financial pricing. Prechter shares his market insights in TheElliott Wave Theorist, one of the longest-running financial publications in existence today. Prechter has developed a theory of social causality called socionomics, whose main hypothesis is endogenously regulated waves of social mood prompt social actions. In other words, events don’t shape moods; moods shape events. Prechter has authored and edited several academic papers. He has written 18 books on finance and socionomics, including a New York Times bestseller.
More About Steve Craig
Steve Craig, CEWA-M, has been involved with energy futures since their inception and credits Bob Prechter’s masterful stock market forecasts in the 1980s for the inspiration to make the leap from an Elliott wave student to ardent practitioner. Steve posts up-to-the-hour forecasts for EWI’s Energy Pro Service, and his broader take on oil and gas futures is featured each month in EWI’s Global Market Perspective.
More About Ignat Borisenko
Ignat Borisenko has been publishing Elliott wave analysis since 2004 for several financial companies and has created many highly popular Russian-language resources on the Wave Principle. He joined EWI in 2017 and has provided currency opportunities to subscribers of EWI’s Currency Pro Service, as well as fulfilling his current role as a fill-in analyst for our Pro Services.
More About Tony Carrion
Tony Carrion is a longtime Elliott wave specialist, investor and trader who jumped feet first into the dynamic world of Cryptocurrencies and has hardly come up for air. Prior to joining EWI, in 2000 Tony formed an independent online research service, and from 2008-2014 he worked as an analyst and trader for a New York-based hedge fund. Tony now covers more than 20 cryptocurrency and forex markets in EWI’s Pro Services and contributes video lessons for the newly launched Crypto Trader’s Classroom.
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Here’s What Global Market Perspective Subscribers Tell Us…
“I use GMP to identify high-risk areas to avoid and specific managed-risk opportunities.” — BB, Kansas
“GMP gives me a world view that I find difficult to find anywhere else.” — RL, Oklahoma
“GMP helps me identify opportunities with the greatest probability of success and helps keep me out of positions that may be dangerous.” — AS, California
“I find GMP essential in the assistance of my fund allocations.” — SS, United Kingdom
“I read GMP from cover to cover the weekend it arrives. The insight into what is going on around the world gives so much perspective.” — PP, Wisconsin
Here’s Everything You’ll Get During the Gala Event
Altogether, our Global Market PerspectiveGala event is worth $263. This event is free to Club EWI members. You can join them for just $2/month and get instant access to this event and other valuable resources.
Global Market Perspective
Across 19 days, you’ll get our latest Global Market Perspective forecasts, market after market.
U.S., Europe, Asia-Pacific – you’ll see exactly what the waves show next for global stocks, bonds, FX, Bitcoin + cryptos, gold, oil, investor psychology and more.
In all, you’ll get detailed Elliott wave forecasts for 50+ of the most-watched markets from our 15 global market experts.
$77 value
Discovering How to Use the Elliott Wave Principle
Dig in and learn the basics of the Elliott Wave Principle with this informative report. It will introduce you to the basic Elliott wave sequence and how to identify key trends and turns in the markets, plus much more.
$29 value
What Every Trader Really Needs to Be Successful
After winning the 1984 U.S. Trading Championship with a record 444%, Robert Prechter published this report. It became an instant classic.
This special report teaches you the most important psychological strengths you must cultivate to successfully trade the markets. Read it and change the way you trade forever.
$29 value
Learn How the Wave Principle Can Improve Your Trading
Where traditional technical studies fall short, the Wave Principle kicks in to show you high-confidence price targets and pivot points. Just as important, it can help you distinguish high-confidence setups from ones that traders should ignore.
In this 8-page e-book, you’ll learn 5 ways the Elliott Wave Principle can give your trading an edge.
$29 value
The Wave Principle Applied: How to Spot a Pattern You Recognize andPut Your Trading Plan Into Action
This 1-hour course teaches you how to spot an actionable Elliott wave pattern, formulate your trading strategy and see it through to completion.
Senior Trading Instructor Jeffrey Kennedy reveals how to boil down your trading plan into a simple step-by-step process that should help improve your success and minimize your risk.
$99 value
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